Lady Susan by Jane Austen

Lady Susan by Jane Austen

We're excited to announce that we will soon be launching a new Kickstarter Campaign for a limited run of the novella, "Lady Susan" by Jane Austen. This edition will be bound in Japanese cloth and feature watercolors by Caroline Maria Applebee (as pictured).

If you'd like a refresher of the story, you may enjoy the somewhat recent movie adaptation, "Love and Friendship" (2016). The mock-ups are well under way.

We'll be working on this small run as we finish preparations for the release announcement of our next full novel. If you're looking for a hint, think "moocow"... But other than that, we'll keep it under wraps. Keep your eyes open for an announcement in late summer. 

Be it Hemingway, Austen, Joyce or others, there are so many incredible classic works of literature to be read, thought upon and added to your library. Thank you for your interest. We're just getting started!

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